EMyth Certified Business Coach

Therapy For Your Business

Getting Your Life Back

As a business owner, are you overwhelmed much of the time but don’t know how to find your way out? Do you love your business - but ask yourself “What happened to my life? I used to have time for other things.” Maybe you are starting to wonder if you should just walk away?

What if there were a guided path to work on your business that will not only give you more life, but help your business to thrive and shine, too? And you had someone to hold you accountable?

New Life Business Coaching is about helping you build a solid foundation for your business. When that is in place, it can start to run itself (with the help of your inspired and happy team), freeing you to choose how much involvement you want. Leadership is the foundation key – I guide my clients through a process to develop and grow strong leadership skills and learn how to inspire their team to be leaders of their own positions in the company and to be systems-oriented. This all is the foundation for financial success and owners getting their life back. Trained by world-renowned coaching company EMyth, I have 11 years experience mentoring, coaching and guiding my clients.

That is how to create a business that doesn’t just survive – it thrives and becomes an inspiring example of what a business can be.

Life Coach/Life Therapist

Therapy For Your Life

As a Life Coach/Therapist for 20 years, my area of expertise in the personal realm has been helping individuals overcome individual challenges and be able to live the life they choose. Whether you are experiencing difficulties in relationships, maintaining work-life balance, coping with low self-esteem, anxiety, or facing any other personal issues, I am committed to providing you with empathic and intuitive guidance that will support you in leading a happier and more fulfilling life.

Video Testimonial from 2023 Life Coaching Client Sean

“We improve ourselves so we can do more of what we LOVE doing”

recent quote from long time client Sean A.

If what you read and see on this website touches you, we need to be working together.

  • Leadership

    It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.

  • Reflect

    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Innovate

    Business is change and innovation is the foundation of that change by always asking, “How can we make it better?”


“Like a breath of fresh air on a perfect spring day, Mary just makes everything better! It can be lonely, confusing, and dizzying out here as a small business owner without a partner. No one to give you a head nod yes or no. No one to bounce ideas off of and get a new perspective. Mary offers all that and so much more. Mary and our work together through the E-Myth process gave my business a true north star, our core values. Under Mary’s guidance this seemingly simple list was imbued with thoughtful intention serving my company as it’s living beating heart. We connect to and rely on our core values when we have decisions to make, work to improve, and accolades to share. It’s kind of magical actually. Working with Mary has directly impacted and improved our hiring system. We have the bestteam we’ve ever had and effective systems for hiring, training, and retaining A++ employees even through times when other small business owners struggle to fill positions. By working with Mary to identify what I want for myself and my life, I’ve learned how to empower our team to do the same for themselves and in service of our company. The result is a company culture of happy team players, happy guests, and healthy bottom lines. By pushing meto face my fears and ask for what I want and what the company needs, Mary literally helped me save the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. I can finally see the road forward and towards my goals of financial freedom and location freedom and that feels pretty darn good. Whether I come to our meetings fully prepared, teeming with problems to solve, successes to share, or pure frustration and ambivalence, I always walk away with some tangible takeaway. Mary is thoughtful, thorough, smart, strong, and accepting. She will gently hold you accountable, always meeting you where you are, and politely reminding you of where you’re going. Stop thinking about hiring Mary and just do it already.”
XO Kristen Heaney Founder, Yard Bar Austin, TX

“Your help, along with EMyth’s curriculum, changed my life for which I will be forever grateful.
This past April, a Private Equity firm reached out to buy CLK due to the marketing and influence we have in the industry! It’s really a testament to the work you and I did together. I turned it down and am having so much fun and have so much more to accomplish. I noticed on your website that the tagline “Therapy for Your Business” is such a true statement. I’ve found so many business owners who think “but my business is different.” If only they would call you. If anyone is curious about what it’s like working with you, I would be happy to talk to them. Anytime.”
PJ Slauson, CLK Supplies


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